domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

PhD-position: Univ Tuebingen - Sexual selection

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate with a genuine interest
in reproductive and evolutionary biology to conduct and coordinate a
3-year German Science Foundation (DFG) funded project on sexually
selected traits and their evolution. Candidates with a Diplom/Master
degree in Biology or a related field should preferentially have
experience in designing behavioural experiments and/or in molecular
techniques (microsatellite/SNP genotyping). The annual salary according
to German TV-L E13 (50%) allows a good living and approximates 15,000€
after taxes depending on experience and marital status.
The project at the Animal Evolutionary Ecology group
( aims at quantifying how the social
environment and within-individual trade-offs affect the sex-specific
intensity and direction of sexual selection in a hermaphroditic model
system, the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata. A basic framework
for integrating effects of self-fertilisation and variation in offspring
quality into fitness quantifications has recently been developed (Anthes
et al. 2010, Amer. Nat. 176:249-263) and seeks innovative further
development within this project.
Applicants preferentially submit a single pdf-file containing a short
motivation letter, a CV including 2 reference addresses, and a brief
summary of their thesis to Applications
will be reviewed until the position has been filled. In case of equal
quality, applicants with disabilities will be preferred. The University
of Tuebingen aims at increasing the representation of women and
therefore encourages female students to apply.

Dr. Nils Anthes
Animal Evolutionary Ecology Group
University of Tuebingen
Faculty of Science, Dep. of Biology
Institute of Evolution and Ecology
Auf der Morgenstelle 28
D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany

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