domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

PhD position in ant ecology, University of Mainz, Germany

We invite applications for a PhD position in tropical ant ecology at the
University of Mainz, Germany. The PhD candidate will study and compare
the ecosystem functions of ant communities in the tropical rainforests
of South America and Southeast Asia. He/she will use standardized
experiments to assess the performance of different ant species in a
set of ecosystem functions that are related to food consumption and the
defense of food resources.
The overall aims of the project are to assess functional redundancy and
niche differentiation of ant communities in tropical rainforests. The
studies will take place in primary and disturbed rainforests in French
Guiana and Malaysian Borneo, and the results will be compared between
habitats, but also between French Guiana and Borneo to determine
whether the functional niche differentiation in ant communities evolved
convergently on the two continents.
The position requires a recent diploma or master degree in biology or
a related field. The successful candidate should be highly motivated
and have experience with field experiments and entomology. A driving
licence is necessary; expertise in ant identification and statistics
is advantageous. The project involves a four-month stay each in French
Guiana and Malaysian Borneo. The position (65% TV-L E13) is funded by
the DFG and limited to three years.
Interested candidates should send applications as a single e-mail
attachment (pdf) containing a curriculum vitae, a list of publications,
a pdf of the Master or Diploma thesis, a letter of motivation and
the addresses of two potential referees to Dr. Florian Menzel,
Closing date for applications is October 5th, 2011.
Starting date for the position is November 15th, 2011 or by arrangement.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dr. Florian Menzel
Evolutionary Biology
Institute of Zoology
Johannes-v.-Müller-Weg 6
D-55128 Mainz

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