viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Ph.D. position, Florida Museum of Natural History

A Ph.D. position is open at the Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, starting in Fall 2012 under the supervision of Dr. Akito Kawahara.
The successful applicant will work on the systematics and evolution of hawkmoths, with special focus on the evolution of anti-bat ultrasound production and hearing in Sphingidae. The project will be part of a collaborative study on the evolution and behavioral strategies of hawkmoths and insectivorous bats. Labwork with DNA sequence data, active interaction with international collaborators, and extensive fieldwork in the tropics are expected. Experience in molecular, phylogenetic methods and/or bioinformatics is highly desirable.
For further information, please contact Akito Kawahara
A lab website can be found at:

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