viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

PhD position, Institute of Integrative Biology at ETH Zurich

The Institute of Integrative Biology at ETH Zurich - Experimental Ecology Group - is offering a PhD position
"Alternative resistance systems in host-parasite interactions"
The project is flexible but a first aim is to use current methods (such as RAD sequencing) to identify appropriate markers for the study of host-parasite interactions in the field. Our study system involves Bombus spp. on the host side and trypanosome infections. As a background resource, the genomic toolbox for B. terrestris is currently refined and will result in an annotated genome. The project work will be based on sampling and experiments in the field and lab. We seek to understand some principles that govern the dynamics and adaptive processes in this model host-parasite system. The anticipated project is part of an ERC Advanced Grant on alternative host resistance systems and the population structure of parasites (RESIST). We look for candidates that are interested in challenging ecological and evolutionary questions and who are willing to explore new methodical tools for this purpose. A successful candidate may have some experience, for example, in molecular or popul
ation genetics, the use of gene data banks, or be familiar with the analysis of adaptation. Whatever the background, a demonstrated interest in evolutionary biology, population genetics, or ecology is an asset. The project will be embedded in an active research group with long-term experience of the system.
Starting date is negotiable, but no later than spring 2012. Please send applications (CV, Publication list, Names and emails of referees) by email to Prof. P.Schmid-Hempel (, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH-Zentrum CHN, CH- 8092 Zurich (review of application starts 30 Oct until filled). Further information on ETH, the group, or life in Zurich can, for example, be obtained from

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