at the Department of Animal Ecology, Uppsala University, Sweden in
Alexei Maklakov's lab. The position is funded by an ERC Starting Grant
This position is part of large research program with a primary objective
to understand the evolution of sex differences in lifespan, and in
reproductive and cognitive ageing. The current project will focus on the
interactions between sex, learning, memory and ageing in the dioecious
nematode worm /Caenorhabditis remanei/, a recently established model
system in our lab. These animals offer fantastic opportunities for
experimental work on sex-specific trade-offs. The project is in
collaboration with Dr. Niclas Kolm from our department and will combine
experimental evolution and behavioural ecology approaches. There is a
possibility to develop and apply an RNAi knockdown technique in
collaboration with Dr. Andrea Hinas from Biomedical Centre at UU. The
main direction of the project will be shaped by a student reflecting
his/her interests.
Applicants should have a MSc (or equivalent) in biology/ecology and a
strong interest in evolutionary biology. Special interest in the
evolution of life-histories and/or sexual selection is a plus. The
project is supervised by Alexei Maklakov and the candidate will receive
her/his postgraduate training within the postgraduate school at the
Evolutionary Biology Centre (EBC). The candidate will join an
interprogram Ageing Research Group, which will open many opportunities
for collaborative projects with other group members. The working
atmosphere is international with English as working language.
This position is financed for four full years, and the successful
candidate will receive a postgraduate fellowship the first year (15.500
SEK/month) and a postgraduate position year 2-4 (22.400 - 25.100 SEK/month).
*Important points: The position is open until filled. To start as soon
as possible, but the exact starting date can be negotiated.*
Applications should include: 1) short letter of interest / background (2
pages max); 2) complete CV; 3) a description of undergraduate training;
4) a copy of undergraduate degree and 5) the names and e-mail addresses
of 2-3 referees. Applications should be sent by e-mail to
(at) with @
Alternatively, send hardcopies to the following address: Alexei
Maklakov, Animal Ecology, EBC, Norbyvägen 18D, Uppsala University,
SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail for
more information.
*Links: *
*Ageing Research
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