viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

microMORPH training grants

microMORPH (Molecular and Organismal Research in Plant History) training grants
Deadline: November 1, 2011
Award amount: up to $3,500
microMORPH is announcing a funding opportunity for graduate students,
post-docs, and early career faculty. Each award is up to $3,500 and is
available to individuals with an interest in microevolutionary aspects
of plant evo-devo. In particular, we wish to encourage visits from
evolutionary ecologists, systematists and morphologists to visit molecular
developmental labs with the intention of developing tools to investigate
clade-level diversifications ¡V and visits from members of molecular
developmental labs interested in learning of the biology and evolutionary
ecology of non-model groups of species. The interdisciplinary nature
of these focused interactions will provide a unique opportunity for
participants to integrate historically disparate fields and in turn
develop research programs at the interfaces of evolutionary ecology,
organismic biology, and developmental biology.

Please see our website ( for a
list of past awardees and details on how to apply.

These training grants are supported by a five-year grant from the National
Science Foundation entitled microMORPH: microevolutionary Molecular and
Organismic Research in Plant History. This grant is funded through the
Research Coordination Network Program at NSF. The overarching goal of the
microMORPH RCN is to study speciation and the diversification of plants
by linking genes through development to morphology, and ultimately to
adaptation and fitness, within the dynamic context of natural populations
and closely related species.

In addition to awarding travel and training grants, the microMORPH RCN
also hosts web pages for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and
faculty working on plant microevolutionary developmental biology from a
paleobotanical, organismic, morphological, or molecular perspective or any
combination thereof. If you do not already have a microMORPH web page and
would like us to host one for you, please contact us and we will set one
up for you (no computer work is necessary from your end). Please visit
our web page for examples:

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