viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008

La Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí Con fundamento en los lineamientos institucionales autorizados y la normativa aplicable
los interesados en ocupar las siguientes plazas de tiempo completo en las unidades académicas de la UASLP que se señalan, a presentar sus propuestas con base en los términos de las convocatorias en extenso publicadas en portal web de la UASLP:

Facultad de Agronomía (San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.):
Programa educativo: Ingeniero Agroecólogo
Plaza A: Profesor de tiempo completo con orientación en Impacto Ambiental.
Plaza B: Profesor de tiempo completo con orientación en Sistemas de Producción Sustentable.


miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

The Diversity Project

For the fifth consecutive year, we will be running The Diversity Project, an NSF funded research opportunity designed to increase participation of under-represented undergraduate students in the marine sciences. In collaboration between Boston University, Duke University, Old Dominion University and UCLA, students will integrate hands-on field research in the Coral Triangle with cutting edge genetic research. The project will explore the origins marine biodiversity in the Coral Triangle in an effort to improve conservation of this remarkable ecosystems. Students are fully funded for both living and travel expenses.
Visit for more information and on-line application.
This research opportunity has been a remarkable personal and professional experience for the students who have participated. Please encourage any students whom you believe would benefit from such an experience to apply.
Applications are due January 15, 2009.
For further information, please contact Dr. Paul Barber (
We look forward to hearing from you.
Dr. Paul H. Barber
Boston University
Boston University Marine Program
5 Cummington St.Boston, MA 02215617-358-4589 office617-358-4590 lab617-353-6340 FAX
Paul Barber