jueves, 9 de junio de 2011


Description: A PhD fellowship is available in Nick Goldman's research group (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/goldman) at the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute. The fellowship is within the European Molecular Biology Laboratory's International PhD Programme (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/training/Studentships/phd.html; http://www.embl.org/training/phdprogramme/index.html) and the successful applicant will be registered at the University of Cambridge.

PhD projects can be in any area of the Group's interests, which concentrate on methods of data analysis that use evolutionary information in sequence data and phylogenies to infer the history of living organisms, to describe and understand processes of evolution, and to use this information to make predictions about the function of genomic sequence. We are particularly interested in exploiting next-generation sequencing data and have also worked on applied evolutionary studies and algorithms in sequence analysis and conservation biology. We also hope to initiate a project on large-scale phylogenies (the "Million Protein, Thousand
Species Tree of Life").

PhD candidates will typically have degree-level backgrounds in one or more of mathematics, statistics, computer science, molecular biology or similar areas. Lack of experience in some of these areas is not considered a problem, so long as candidates demonstrate aptitude and enthusiasm to learn.

Further details on application procedures etc. are available at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/training/Studentships/phd/howtoapply.html.

Please note that candidates must register with the online application system by 30 June 2011 and must complete their applications by 11 July 2011. The PhD fellowship may start in October 2011, or as soon afterwards as the successful candidate is available.

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