jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

Graduate position inArizona State Univ. Insect Systematics

Graduate position inArizona State Univ. Insect Systematics
Starting the Fall semester of 2011, teaching and research assistantships will be available at the School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University (http://sols.asu.edu/), for graduate students (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) who are interested in insect systematics.
A desire to work with weevils would be great but other taxon interests will receive full consideration. ASU-SoLS offers a wide range of learning and research opportunities (e.g. http://sols.asu.edu/grad/index.php; http://species.asu.edu/; http://sustainability.asu.edu/index.php), and is close to fascinating insect habitats.
Interested candidates should contact me via e-mail with a statement of interest and CV.

Nico M. Franz, Ph.D.
School of Life Sciences (starting Fall '11)
PO Box 874501
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-4501
mail: nico.franz@yahoo.com

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