miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

Genomics and Biodiversity

The annual symposium of the American Genetic Association, publisher of Journal of Heredity, will be held from July 23-26 in Irapuato and Guanajuato, Mexico. The theme for 2011 is "Genomics and Biodiversity" and we have a star-studded speaker list. The venue is world class - come see for yourself the stunning new National Laboratory of Genomics and Biodiversity (http://www.langebio.cinvestav.mx/) in Irapuato and the World Heritage Town of Guanajuato. Registration continues but the deadline for presenting a poster is fast approaching and rooms in the most convenient hotel are going fast. Go to: http://www.theaga.org/2011/

For more information, please email
Scott Edwards, AGA President, at sedwards@fas.harvard.edu
Anjanette Baker, at AGAJOH@oregonstate.edu

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