miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Open PhD position in Evolutionary Morphology and Palaeobiology in Zürich

The Evolutionary Morphology and Palaeobiology of Vertebrates group at the Palaeontological Institute of the University of Zürich invites applications for a PhD position (3 years funding, with potential extension). The successful candidate will work in a Swiss National Science Foundation supported research project about life history evolution in mammals, involving skeletal and dental evolution in extant and extinct forms, under the supervision of Prof. Marcelo Sánchez. The PhD project will build upon an existing research program (http://www.msanchezlab.net/) and includes museum visits world wide and extensive lab work. Those interested should check our website for our publications and current research projects. Details about the PhD project will be discussed upon interviews with the best-qualified applicants and the candidate is expected to co-develop her/his project.

The ideal candidate will be a highly-motivated zoologist with neontological or palaeontological background. Previous participation in research activities and excellent writing skills in English are required, knowledge of speaking German is desirable but not mandatory. Perspective students are expected to have received their Master's degree or equivalent by the start of the Ph.D. program. The selected candidate will be expected to help in teaching and writing a proposal for funding.

Send the following by email to: Prof. Marcelo Sánchez: I) a one- to two-page application letter addressing, but not limited to the following questions: a) Why are you interested in a PhD in this research area? b) What are your career goals? II) A detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of lab, field, analytical, and linguistic skills, presentations at scientific meetings, and publications (if applicable); III) A copy of your undergraduate and graduate academic records; IV) two or three letters from your academic advisors addressing: your intellectual and academic skills; your dedication to science and your ability to work cooperatively in a team. Please, follow the directions carefully.
‘Soft’ DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 15. August, 2011. If needed, the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.
STARTING DATE: late Fall of 2011 (negotiable).

Please send enquiries and applications by email to Prof. Marcelo Sánchez (e-mail: m.sanchez@pim.uzh.ch)

Marcelo Sánchez
Paläontologisches Institut und Museum
Universität Zürich
Karl Schmid-Strasse 4
CH-8006 Zürich
Email: m.sanchez@pim.uzh.ch
Personal website:
Lab website:
Evolutionary Biology in Zürich:

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