jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Graduate position: Australia. Adaptation To Environmental Change

Please follow the link to find details for PhD scholarships within the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at the University of Western Sydney, Australia.

The HIE is a new multi-million dollar research institute offering comprehensive field and laboratory based facilities for research from genes to ecosystems. Dedicated to answering crucial questions about the impact of environmental change on terrestrial ecosystems, the Institute's multidisciplinary research team is exploring how these ecosystems, and their components, respond to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, temperature, drought, land use, fire and biotic invasion.

We are seeking excellent doctoral candidates to undertake research within the broad areas of:
- Ecology, biodiversity, and sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems, particularly forests, savannas and grasslands;
- Soil science and molecular microbial ecology including plant-microbe interactions, soil biogeochemistry and ecological genomics;
- Plant-animal and plant-insect interactions, including animal ecology, insect herbivores and their multitrophic interactions;
- Ecology, physiology, biochemistry and genetics underpinning adaptation of plants to a changing environment.

Applicants should discuss their research aspirations and eligibility with potential supervisors in the Hawkesbury Institute: http://www.uws.edu.au/hie/people

Contact the Research Training, Policy and Programs Officer to discuss
enrollment and scholarships: Ms Sandra Lawrence: sg.lawrence@uws.edu.au

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