domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Graduate position: UPotsdam.SmallMammalDynamics

Biodiversity and Functional Ecology of Agricultural Landscapes

The University of Potsdam (UP) together with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) offers

3 PhD positions
within the following topics:
-Public Health: Density and spatial distribution of small mammals as hosts for ticks and of ticks as vectors for Lyme borreliosis, prevalence and diversity of tick-borne pathogens, spatiotemporal modelling of human infection risk in response to agricultural landscape structures (supervisors: J. Eccard, UP; F-R. Matuschka / D. Richter, Charité; B. Schröder, UP / ZALF)
-Ecosystem services of bats with respect to agricultural landscape structures, Quantification of the economic benefits of bat species through consumption of agricultural pest insects. Acoustic monitoring of bats, spatial analysis of habitat use, insect diversity and diet analysis (supervisors J. Eccard, UP; C. Voigt, IZW)
- Experimental assessment of establishment dynamics and genetic structure of plant and animal species in response to agricultural landscape structures; modelling of dispersal dynamics and interspecific interactions (supervisors: J. Joshi, UP; B. Schröder, UP / ZALF)

All three projects offer a challenging scientific task in the stimulating environment of a research collaboration between UP and two Leibniz-Institutes. The projects combine a variety of different methods and techniques, and a broad range of training options will be available to the candidates.

Candidates should have a master degree or Diploma in Biology, Geoecology or Landscape Ecology and are expected to be highly motivated to perform both independent field and laboratory work. They must be team players for synergies in field work. At least one of the following expertises is required: experience in field work with small terrestrial mammals, bats or plants, modelling, spatial statistics. Experience in molecular biological methods is a benefit. Good English
language skills and driver’s license are required.

The dissertations are funded through university stipends (until 12-2012) and followed by PhD positions at the Leibniz institutes (12-18 months). Candidates will participate in the Potsdam Graduate School and will be situated both at Potsdam Sanssouci Ecology Campus and the counterpart institutes. Field work will be performed at the research station of ZALF in Dedelow (Uckermark), laboratory work at UP and the cooperating institutes.
For each position, please submit your application as a single pdf including CV, names and contact information of two references, and a letter of motivation to Prof. Eccard ( Please indicate the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your email. We will start reviewing the applications on May 1st, 2011 until positions are filled. The positions will be available from June 1st, 2011.

UP, ZALF and IZW are equal opportunities employers and place particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for female scientists. Qualified women are therefore encouraged to apply.

For further information please contact Prof. Eccard, Animal Ecology, Frau Thrun, 0331-977-1920 University of Potsdam, Maulbeerallee 1, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

Prof. Dr. Jasmin Joshi
Biodiversity Research/Systematic Botany
Institute of Biochemistry and Biology
University of Potsdam
Maulbeerallee 1
D-14469 Potsdam
Tel. ++49 331 977 4884
Fax ++49 331 977 4865
Jasmin Joshi

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