Departamento Ecología de la Biodiversidad
14 de marzo 2011
El Instituto de Ecología convoca a las personas que reúnan los requisitos que se precisan en la presente convocatoria, a participar en el concurso de oposición para obra determinada con plaza equivalente a Investigador Asociado “C” de tiempo completo, en el departamento de Ecología de la Biodiversidad, Laboratorio de Ciencias de la Sostenibilidad, área Biología Molecular, de acuerdo con las siguientes Bases:
a) Tener grado de doctor y experiencia posdoctoral
b) Haber trabajado cuando menos tres años en labores docentes o de investigación, en la materia o área de su especialidad.
c) Haber publicado trabajos en revistas científicas internacionales y demostrar experiencia docente
d) Tener conocimiento de la estructura y funcionamiento de las instituciones gubernamentales del área ambiental
e) Ser especialista en ecología molecular y biología evolutiva con experiencia demostrada en estudios genéticos o genómicos de biodiversidad.
f) Dentro del marco teórico de las ciencias de la sostenibilidad, demostrar capacidad e interés para vincular aspectos científicos con los de toma de decisiones, y para integrarse en equipos transdisciplinarios
g) Aplicar información genética y genómica de biodiversidad y aspectos funcionales de socioecosistemas.
a) Elaborar un plan de trabajo en investigación que enfatice el papel de la ecología molecular y la vinculación con la toma de decisiones, desde una perspectiva de las ciencias de la sostenibilidad
b) Que dicho plan de trabajo incluya el uso de técnicas moleculares para el estudio de la biodiversidad genética para generar herramientas para evaluación de sostenibilidad.
Documentación requerida:
Para participar en este concurso, los interesados deberán enviar la documentación a la Secretaria Académica dentro de los 15 días hábiles contados a partir de la fecha de publicación de esta convocatoria, en el horario de 10:00 a 15:00 horas, presentando la documentación que se especifica a continuación:
1. Carta de intención dirigida al director del instituto, Dr. César Domínguez Pérez Tejada.
2. Curriculum vitae con documentación probatoria (publicaciones científicas)
3. Descripción de intereses actuales y futuros en investigación
4. Propuesta de investigación (Prueba: plan de trabajo)
5. Título de doctorado
6. Acta de nacimiento
Una vez concluida la evaluación, el Instituto de Ecología dará a conocer el resultado del concurso.
La(s) persona(s) seleccionada(s) serán convocadas a una entrevista con un comité ad hoc, y deberán asimismo presentar un seminario a la comunidad del instituto en la fecha que se les indique.
miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011
domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011
Graduate position: UPotsdam.SmallMammalDynamics
Biodiversity and Functional Ecology of Agricultural Landscapes
The University of Potsdam (UP) together with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) offers
3 PhD positions
within the following topics:
-Public Health: Density and spatial distribution of small mammals as hosts for ticks and of ticks as vectors for Lyme borreliosis, prevalence and diversity of tick-borne pathogens, spatiotemporal modelling of human infection risk in response to agricultural landscape structures (supervisors: J. Eccard, UP; F-R. Matuschka / D. Richter, Charité; B. Schröder, UP / ZALF)
-Ecosystem services of bats with respect to agricultural landscape structures, Quantification of the economic benefits of bat species through consumption of agricultural pest insects. Acoustic monitoring of bats, spatial analysis of habitat use, insect diversity and diet analysis (supervisors J. Eccard, UP; C. Voigt, IZW)
- Experimental assessment of establishment dynamics and genetic structure of plant and animal species in response to agricultural landscape structures; modelling of dispersal dynamics and interspecific interactions (supervisors: J. Joshi, UP; B. Schröder, UP / ZALF)
All three projects offer a challenging scientific task in the stimulating environment of a research collaboration between UP and two Leibniz-Institutes. The projects combine a variety of different methods and techniques, and a broad range of training options will be available to the candidates.
Candidates should have a master degree or Diploma in Biology, Geoecology or Landscape Ecology and are expected to be highly motivated to perform both independent field and laboratory work. They must be team players for synergies in field work. At least one of the following expertises is required: experience in field work with small terrestrial mammals, bats or plants, modelling, spatial statistics. Experience in molecular biological methods is a benefit. Good English
language skills and driver’s license are required.
The dissertations are funded through university stipends (until 12-2012) and followed by PhD positions at the Leibniz institutes (12-18 months). Candidates will participate in the Potsdam Graduate School and will be situated both at Potsdam Sanssouci Ecology Campus and the counterpart institutes. Field work will be performed at the research station of ZALF in Dedelow (Uckermark), laboratory work at UP and the cooperating institutes.
For each position, please submit your application as a single pdf including CV, names and contact information of two references, and a letter of motivation to Prof. Eccard ( Please indicate the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your email. We will start reviewing the applications on May 1st, 2011 until positions are filled. The positions will be available from June 1st, 2011.
UP, ZALF and IZW are equal opportunities employers and place particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for female scientists. Qualified women are therefore encouraged to apply.
For further information please contact Prof. Eccard, Animal Ecology, Frau Thrun, 0331-977-1920 University of Potsdam, Maulbeerallee 1, 14469 Potsdam, Germany
Prof. Dr. Jasmin Joshi
Biodiversity Research/Systematic Botany
Institute of Biochemistry and Biology
University of Potsdam
Maulbeerallee 1
D-14469 Potsdam
Tel. ++49 331 977 4884
Fax ++49 331 977 4865
Jasmin Joshi
The University of Potsdam (UP) together with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) offers
3 PhD positions
within the following topics:
-Public Health: Density and spatial distribution of small mammals as hosts for ticks and of ticks as vectors for Lyme borreliosis, prevalence and diversity of tick-borne pathogens, spatiotemporal modelling of human infection risk in response to agricultural landscape structures (supervisors: J. Eccard, UP; F-R. Matuschka / D. Richter, Charité; B. Schröder, UP / ZALF)
-Ecosystem services of bats with respect to agricultural landscape structures, Quantification of the economic benefits of bat species through consumption of agricultural pest insects. Acoustic monitoring of bats, spatial analysis of habitat use, insect diversity and diet analysis (supervisors J. Eccard, UP; C. Voigt, IZW)
- Experimental assessment of establishment dynamics and genetic structure of plant and animal species in response to agricultural landscape structures; modelling of dispersal dynamics and interspecific interactions (supervisors: J. Joshi, UP; B. Schröder, UP / ZALF)
All three projects offer a challenging scientific task in the stimulating environment of a research collaboration between UP and two Leibniz-Institutes. The projects combine a variety of different methods and techniques, and a broad range of training options will be available to the candidates.
Candidates should have a master degree or Diploma in Biology, Geoecology or Landscape Ecology and are expected to be highly motivated to perform both independent field and laboratory work. They must be team players for synergies in field work. At least one of the following expertises is required: experience in field work with small terrestrial mammals, bats or plants, modelling, spatial statistics. Experience in molecular biological methods is a benefit. Good English
language skills and driver’s license are required.
The dissertations are funded through university stipends (until 12-2012) and followed by PhD positions at the Leibniz institutes (12-18 months). Candidates will participate in the Potsdam Graduate School and will be situated both at Potsdam Sanssouci Ecology Campus and the counterpart institutes. Field work will be performed at the research station of ZALF in Dedelow (Uckermark), laboratory work at UP and the cooperating institutes.
For each position, please submit your application as a single pdf including CV, names and contact information of two references, and a letter of motivation to Prof. Eccard ( Please indicate the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your email. We will start reviewing the applications on May 1st, 2011 until positions are filled. The positions will be available from June 1st, 2011.
UP, ZALF and IZW are equal opportunities employers and place particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for female scientists. Qualified women are therefore encouraged to apply.
For further information please contact Prof. Eccard, Animal Ecology, Frau Thrun, 0331-977-1920 University of Potsdam, Maulbeerallee 1, 14469 Potsdam, Germany
Prof. Dr. Jasmin Joshi
Biodiversity Research/Systematic Botany
Institute of Biochemistry and Biology
University of Potsdam
Maulbeerallee 1
D-14469 Potsdam
Tel. ++49 331 977 4884
Fax ++49 331 977 4865
Jasmin Joshi
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
PhD fellowships in animal-plant interaction in Max Planck Institute, Germany
The department of Molecular Ecology at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology invites applications for two PhD fellowships for the Project:
"Mobile signals in plant defense against insects"
Upon insect attack, plants activate a highly effective immune system. Interestingly, this does not only happen locally above ground, but involves the belowground tissues as well: Roots provide toxic secondary metabolites for the leaves and serve as dynamic storage organs for future regrowth. But how exactly do the leaves "tell" the roots about the ongoing attack?
Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines molecular biology, phytochemistry, plant physiology and plant-insect ecology, you will attempt to identify leaf-to-root signals in wild tobacco and test for their ecological relevance in the field. The project will be integrated into our newly established group on root-environment interactions in tobacco, and may significantly contribute to our understanding of plant-insect interactions.
We look for students with a completed Master degree or equivalent who have a strong background in plant molecular biology, biochemistry, systems biology and/or ecology. Highly motivated candidates with solid training in other areas of biology are also encouraged to apply.
We offer an excellent research environment with enthusiastic scientists from different nationalities in the Department of Molecular Ecology (director: Prof. Ian T. Baldwin) at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany.
The deadline for applications is March 31, 2011. Interviews will start in April. The positions will be available from May 1st, 2011.
Please send your application including CV, letter of motivation and two references via e-mail to Dr. Matthias Erb (
"Mobile signals in plant defense against insects"
Upon insect attack, plants activate a highly effective immune system. Interestingly, this does not only happen locally above ground, but involves the belowground tissues as well: Roots provide toxic secondary metabolites for the leaves and serve as dynamic storage organs for future regrowth. But how exactly do the leaves "tell" the roots about the ongoing attack?
Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines molecular biology, phytochemistry, plant physiology and plant-insect ecology, you will attempt to identify leaf-to-root signals in wild tobacco and test for their ecological relevance in the field. The project will be integrated into our newly established group on root-environment interactions in tobacco, and may significantly contribute to our understanding of plant-insect interactions.
We look for students with a completed Master degree or equivalent who have a strong background in plant molecular biology, biochemistry, systems biology and/or ecology. Highly motivated candidates with solid training in other areas of biology are also encouraged to apply.
We offer an excellent research environment with enthusiastic scientists from different nationalities in the Department of Molecular Ecology (director: Prof. Ian T. Baldwin) at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany.
The deadline for applications is March 31, 2011. Interviews will start in April. The positions will be available from May 1st, 2011.
Please send your application including CV, letter of motivation and two references via e-mail to Dr. Matthias Erb (
Especialización en Gestión e Impacto Ambiental
La Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias de la Universidad Veracruzana de la región Poza Rica - Tuxpan, en la Ciudad y Puerto de Tuxpan (Veracruz), ofrece la "Especialización en Gestión e Impacto Ambiental", se encuentra abierta la convocatoria hasta el 04 de abril del 2011.
Vea los detalles en:
Vea los detalles en:
Graduate Student positions available at University of Guelph, Canada
Graduate Student positions available at Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario based at University of Guelph, Canada, is leading a large-scale project in the use of Next Generation Sequencing for biodiversity analysis from various environmental samples.
Graduate Student positions (MSc/PhD, 3 positions) based at University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology (2 positions) and Dalhousie University, Department of Biology (1 position). These positions involve the use of NGS data to address evolutionary and ecological questions in arthropod, plant and soil biodiversity.
Graduate students will be supervised jointly by members of Biomonitoring 2.0 project and will gain insights in using NGS genomics approaches as well as bioinformatics tools to develop and explore their own hypotheses in ecology and evolutionary biology.
MSc Student position at the University of New Brunswick, Canadian Rivers Institute / Aurora Research Institute. This position will examine the use and application of Biomonitoring 2.0 techniques by local communities in Canada's North.
For each position, please submit your CV (including names and contact information of 3 references) and a cover letter to Dr. Mehrdad Hajibabaei (
Please indicate the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your email. We will start reviewing the applications on April 15, 2011.
Mehrdad Hajibabaei, PhD
Assistant Professor
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario & Integrative Biology
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
Phone: 519-824-4120 x52487
Fax: 519-824-5703
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario based at University of Guelph, Canada, is leading a large-scale project in the use of Next Generation Sequencing for biodiversity analysis from various environmental samples.
Graduate Student positions (MSc/PhD, 3 positions) based at University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology (2 positions) and Dalhousie University, Department of Biology (1 position). These positions involve the use of NGS data to address evolutionary and ecological questions in arthropod, plant and soil biodiversity.
Graduate students will be supervised jointly by members of Biomonitoring 2.0 project and will gain insights in using NGS genomics approaches as well as bioinformatics tools to develop and explore their own hypotheses in ecology and evolutionary biology.
MSc Student position at the University of New Brunswick, Canadian Rivers Institute / Aurora Research Institute. This position will examine the use and application of Biomonitoring 2.0 techniques by local communities in Canada's North.
For each position, please submit your CV (including names and contact information of 3 references) and a cover letter to Dr. Mehrdad Hajibabaei (
Please indicate the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your email. We will start reviewing the applications on April 15, 2011.
Mehrdad Hajibabaei, PhD
Assistant Professor
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario & Integrative Biology
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
Phone: 519-824-4120 x52487
Fax: 519-824-5703
PhD Thesis Award
If you are a PhD student and/or have completed your thesis in Forestry and Timber, here is a good oppportunity to make all your years of study even more valuable. The ECE/FAO Forestry and Timber section has launched a 10,000 USD dollars PhD Thesis Award, in order to promote scientific research on sustainable forest management. The prize of will be awarded to the best PhD thesis providing new data and insights into forest management, how to balance forest conservation, forest productivity and social well being.
To learn more about the award visit
The application form, as well the guidelines for applying, are available in:
To learn more about the award visit
The application form, as well the guidelines for applying, are available in:
Becas de estudio en Australia
Este año el Gobierno de Australia y las universidades australianas están ofreciendo un extraordinario plan de becas para estudiantes mexicanos, para apoyar programas educativos (maestría, doctorado y educación vocacional) en el area de Desarrollo Sustentable.
Pida informes a Keri Ramírez:
Vea los detalles en
Pida informes a Keri Ramírez:
Vea los detalles en
martes, 15 de marzo de 2011
Convocatoria: Becas 2011 de la Red Latinoamericana de Botánica
Con el apoyo de Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, la Red Latinoamericana de Botánica ha abierto una nueva Convocatoria 2011 para solicitar Becas de Perfeccionamiento fuera del país de origen y Becas Parciales de Apoyo para Tesis de Posgrado.
Tesis de Posgrado, UNAM
Se solicitan estudiantes para llevar a cabo tesis de maestría o doctorado en el Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, con sede en el Instituto de Biología (México, D.F.)
Tesis de doctorado
Tema: Diversificación Biológica. La diversificación (especiación menos extinción) es el proceso evolutivo responsable de la biodiversidad.
El proyecto incluirá la investigación de:
• La relación entre la edad de los linajes biológicos y su tasa de diversificación.
• Los tipos de árboles filogenéticos producidos por diferentes procesos de diversificación.
• Pruebas de la precisión de diferentes medidas de diversificación.
• Posible aplicación a la diversificación de las plantas con flor.
Se espera que el/la estudiante contribuya a diseñar su proyecto de investigación mediante la ampliación o modificación del tema general propuesto.
• Interés en el proceso de evolución biológica.
• Habilidades computacionales, incluyendo programación y diseño de simulaciones.
• Fundamentos filogenéticos.
• Maestría (de preferencia).
• Compromiso formal de trabajo.
Tesis de maestría o doctorado
Tema: Métodos para combinar caracteres moleculares y morfológicos (incluyendo fósiles) en el cálculo de las relaciones filogenéticas.
• Fundamentos filogenéticos
• Habilidades computacionales, incluyendo programación y diseño de simulaciones
(para Doctorado).
• Compromiso formal de trabajo.
* Posibilidad de beca otorgada por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
* Fecha propuesta de ingreso: Semestre 2012-1 (agosto 2011).
* Contacto con: Dra. Susana Magallón,, (55) 5622-9087
Tesis de doctorado
Tema: Diversificación Biológica. La diversificación (especiación menos extinción) es el proceso evolutivo responsable de la biodiversidad.
El proyecto incluirá la investigación de:
• La relación entre la edad de los linajes biológicos y su tasa de diversificación.
• Los tipos de árboles filogenéticos producidos por diferentes procesos de diversificación.
• Pruebas de la precisión de diferentes medidas de diversificación.
• Posible aplicación a la diversificación de las plantas con flor.
Se espera que el/la estudiante contribuya a diseñar su proyecto de investigación mediante la ampliación o modificación del tema general propuesto.
• Interés en el proceso de evolución biológica.
• Habilidades computacionales, incluyendo programación y diseño de simulaciones.
• Fundamentos filogenéticos.
• Maestría (de preferencia).
• Compromiso formal de trabajo.
Tesis de maestría o doctorado
Tema: Métodos para combinar caracteres moleculares y morfológicos (incluyendo fósiles) en el cálculo de las relaciones filogenéticas.
• Fundamentos filogenéticos
• Habilidades computacionales, incluyendo programación y diseño de simulaciones
(para Doctorado).
• Compromiso formal de trabajo.
* Posibilidad de beca otorgada por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
* Fecha propuesta de ingreso: Semestre 2012-1 (agosto 2011).
* Contacto con: Dra. Susana Magallón,, (55) 5622-9087
miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011
ANT COURSE 2011, Portal, Arizona, USA, August 4-14
Southwestern Research Station (SWRS), Portal, AZ, USA August 4-14, 2011
Application form:
COURSE OBJECTIVES. - ANT COURSE is designed for systematists, ecologists, behaviorists, conservation biologists, and other biologists whose research responsibilities require a greater understanding of ant taxonomy and field research techniques. Emphasis is on the identification of the ant genera and species occurring in North America. Lectures will include background information on the ecology, life histories and evolution of ants. Field trips are structured to teach collecting and sampling techniques, and associated lab work provides instruction on specimen preparation, sorting and labeling. Information on equipment/supply vendors, literature, and myrmecological contacts are also presented.
PARTICIPANT ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA. - ANT COURSE is open to all interested individuals. Priority will be given to those students for whom the course will have a significant impact on their research with ants. An entomological background is not required. We aim to include students with a diverse interest in biology, including ant systematics, ecology, behavioral biology, genetics, and conservation. The high instructor to student ratio will allow students to receive individual attention. ANT COURSE is presented in English and limited to 30 participants
FELLOWSHIPS. - Four fellowships are available for 2011. Two fellowships cover tuition fees and two fellowships cover station fees. Foreign students may apply for additional fellowships to assist in travel. Those interested in attending the course should seek all possible avenues to secure funding for the course. You should only apply for the Ant Course fellowship if you cannot find other support and it is essential for your participation in the course. Beware that if you apply for an ant course fellowship it implies that fellowship funding is essential to your participation in the course. Thus, if you are not selected for a fellowship, you might not be accepted into the course. Please notify the course if your funding request status changes before the application due date.
COURSE APPLICATION. - Application and course information at The first step is to fill out a form at:
In addition, you must also submit a CV, personal statement, and letter of reference to
By April 5, you will be notified that your application is complete. If you do not receive a confirmation that your application has been received by April 5, please contact Brian Fisher at You will be notified of your acceptance to the Course around APRIL 15-20.
ANT COURSE is limited to 30 participants. Selection of participants will be carried out by committee, based on your reasons for wishing to take the course at this time. Priority will be given to those students for whom the course will have a significant impact on their research with ants. Because the Course will be offered yearly, and because many well-qualified candidates cannot be accepted because of limited capacity, we urge applicants not selected for this session to apply again the following year.
Application and course information at
Southwestern Research Station (SWRS), Portal, AZ, USA August 4-14, 2011
Application form:
COURSE OBJECTIVES. - ANT COURSE is designed for systematists, ecologists, behaviorists, conservation biologists, and other biologists whose research responsibilities require a greater understanding of ant taxonomy and field research techniques. Emphasis is on the identification of the ant genera and species occurring in North America. Lectures will include background information on the ecology, life histories and evolution of ants. Field trips are structured to teach collecting and sampling techniques, and associated lab work provides instruction on specimen preparation, sorting and labeling. Information on equipment/supply vendors, literature, and myrmecological contacts are also presented.
PARTICIPANT ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA. - ANT COURSE is open to all interested individuals. Priority will be given to those students for whom the course will have a significant impact on their research with ants. An entomological background is not required. We aim to include students with a diverse interest in biology, including ant systematics, ecology, behavioral biology, genetics, and conservation. The high instructor to student ratio will allow students to receive individual attention. ANT COURSE is presented in English and limited to 30 participants
FELLOWSHIPS. - Four fellowships are available for 2011. Two fellowships cover tuition fees and two fellowships cover station fees. Foreign students may apply for additional fellowships to assist in travel. Those interested in attending the course should seek all possible avenues to secure funding for the course. You should only apply for the Ant Course fellowship if you cannot find other support and it is essential for your participation in the course. Beware that if you apply for an ant course fellowship it implies that fellowship funding is essential to your participation in the course. Thus, if you are not selected for a fellowship, you might not be accepted into the course. Please notify the course if your funding request status changes before the application due date.
COURSE APPLICATION. - Application and course information at The first step is to fill out a form at:
In addition, you must also submit a CV, personal statement, and letter of reference to
By April 5, you will be notified that your application is complete. If you do not receive a confirmation that your application has been received by April 5, please contact Brian Fisher at You will be notified of your acceptance to the Course around APRIL 15-20.
ANT COURSE is limited to 30 participants. Selection of participants will be carried out by committee, based on your reasons for wishing to take the course at this time. Priority will be given to those students for whom the course will have a significant impact on their research with ants. Because the Course will be offered yearly, and because many well-qualified candidates cannot be accepted because of limited capacity, we urge applicants not selected for this session to apply again the following year.
Application and course information at
martes, 1 de marzo de 2011
Solicitan: investigador en patologia molecular de organismos acuaticos
El Departamento de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (DICTUS) de la Universidad de Sonora busca persona con doctorado para ocupar plaza por tiempo determinado (un año) con opción a ideterminación, en el área de patología molecular de organismos acuáticos (camarón, moluscos y peces marinos) para realizar trabajos de investigación con dicha aréa.
Interesados enviar CV por e-mail.
Pida informes a Marco Antonio López:
Interesados enviar CV por e-mail.
Pida informes a Marco Antonio López:
Convocatoria: Asesor pesquero
Campaña de Orgullo “Loretanos... por un mar lleno de vida"
Eco-Alianza de Loreto A.C. en convenio con el Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto, están buscando una persona para el puesto de “Asesor Pesquero”. Esta persona deberá incorporarse a la Segunda Fase de la Campaña de Orgullo, “Loretanos… por un mar lleno de vida”, donde deberá ganarse la confianza y trabajar con las 25 cooperativas pesqueras que desarrollan sus actividades dentro del Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto, incentivando y apoyando al sector pesquero para adoptar practicas de pesca responsable.
El Asesor Pesquero trabajará con la Coordinadora de Campaña bajo la supervisión del Director del Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto, dando continuidad a los proyectos ya en marcha e implementando un plan de trabajo ya elaborado.
Las responsabilidades más importantes del Asesor Pesquero serán:
1. Dar seguimiento a los procesos de solicitud y renovación de permisos de pesca.
2. Coordinar/facilitar las evaluaciones de los recursos pesqueros.
3. Facilitar la implementación de la vigilancia comunitaria por parte de los pescadores, en
coordinación con las autoridades competentes (PNBL, PROFEPA, CONAPESCA, FONMAR, SEMAR)
4. Promover con las cooperativas pesqueras la mejora de la cadena productiva de sus productos pesqueros.
Términos de Referencia para el Asesor.
Ubicación: Loreto, Baja California Sur.
Fecha de Inicio: 22 de marzo de 2011.
Fecha de Terminación: 31 de Diciembre de 2011, con posibilidad de renovar el contrato.
Tipo de contratación: Honorarios.
Requisitos y Experiencia
- Licenciatura terminada en temas afines al manejo de los recursos naturales.
- Liderazgo demostrado.
- Conocimiento y experiencia en: cooperativismo, legislación pesquera vigente, procedimientos administrativos en materia de permisos de pesca, bases en la evaluación de
los recursos pesqueros.
- Experiencia en desarrollo y/o supervisión de procesos post-captura.
- Experiencia trabajando y/o viviendo en comunidades rurales.
- Experiencia trabajando con grupos pesqueros.
- Experiencia trabajando en equipo.
- Conocimiento básico de manejo de computadora (Word, Excel e Internet).
- Auto-Motivación, Habilidad demostrada de ser pro-activo.
- Disponibilidad de pasar muchos días en las comunidades pesqueras colaborando con pescadores.
- Excelentes habilidades de comunicación.
- Habilidad demostrada para tomar decisiones
- Disponibilidad de escuchar y aprender de profesionales y pescadores.
- Interés en trabajar en equipo con grupos diversos y con culturas diferentes.
- Actitud de auto-motivación, paciencia, flexibilidad, profesionalismo, entusiasmo,
honestidad, y habilidades de comunicación.
· Pago mensual bruto: $14,813.17 pesos.
· Contará con los insumos necesarios para el desarrollo de sus actividades.
Interesados enviar su currículo vitae, correo, teléfono y una carta de intención dirigida a Horacio Cabrera Santiago, al correo electrónico .
La fecha límite para la recepción de las solicitudes será el día viernes 11 de Marzo de 2011.
Los candidatos seleccionados serán citados vía telefónica para entrevista, las cuales se realizarán personalmente en las oficinas de Eco-Alianza de Loreto A.C., cito en: Ave. Paseo Miguel Hidalgo #67 oriente, Colonia Centro, Loreto, Baja California Sur.
Horacio Cabrera
Director Ejecutivo
Eco-Alianza de Loreto, A.C.
Paseo Miguel Hidalgo #67 Oriente
Loreto, BCS México C.P. 23880
Tel. +52 (613) 135-1907
Eco-Alianza de Loreto A.C. en convenio con el Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto, están buscando una persona para el puesto de “Asesor Pesquero”. Esta persona deberá incorporarse a la Segunda Fase de la Campaña de Orgullo, “Loretanos… por un mar lleno de vida”, donde deberá ganarse la confianza y trabajar con las 25 cooperativas pesqueras que desarrollan sus actividades dentro del Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto, incentivando y apoyando al sector pesquero para adoptar practicas de pesca responsable.
El Asesor Pesquero trabajará con la Coordinadora de Campaña bajo la supervisión del Director del Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto, dando continuidad a los proyectos ya en marcha e implementando un plan de trabajo ya elaborado.
Las responsabilidades más importantes del Asesor Pesquero serán:
1. Dar seguimiento a los procesos de solicitud y renovación de permisos de pesca.
2. Coordinar/facilitar las evaluaciones de los recursos pesqueros.
3. Facilitar la implementación de la vigilancia comunitaria por parte de los pescadores, en
coordinación con las autoridades competentes (PNBL, PROFEPA, CONAPESCA, FONMAR, SEMAR)
4. Promover con las cooperativas pesqueras la mejora de la cadena productiva de sus productos pesqueros.
Términos de Referencia para el Asesor.
Ubicación: Loreto, Baja California Sur.
Fecha de Inicio: 22 de marzo de 2011.
Fecha de Terminación: 31 de Diciembre de 2011, con posibilidad de renovar el contrato.
Tipo de contratación: Honorarios.
Requisitos y Experiencia
- Licenciatura terminada en temas afines al manejo de los recursos naturales.
- Liderazgo demostrado.
- Conocimiento y experiencia en: cooperativismo, legislación pesquera vigente, procedimientos administrativos en materia de permisos de pesca, bases en la evaluación de
los recursos pesqueros.
- Experiencia en desarrollo y/o supervisión de procesos post-captura.
- Experiencia trabajando y/o viviendo en comunidades rurales.
- Experiencia trabajando con grupos pesqueros.
- Experiencia trabajando en equipo.
- Conocimiento básico de manejo de computadora (Word, Excel e Internet).
- Auto-Motivación, Habilidad demostrada de ser pro-activo.
- Disponibilidad de pasar muchos días en las comunidades pesqueras colaborando con pescadores.
- Excelentes habilidades de comunicación.
- Habilidad demostrada para tomar decisiones
- Disponibilidad de escuchar y aprender de profesionales y pescadores.
- Interés en trabajar en equipo con grupos diversos y con culturas diferentes.
- Actitud de auto-motivación, paciencia, flexibilidad, profesionalismo, entusiasmo,
honestidad, y habilidades de comunicación.
· Pago mensual bruto: $14,813.17 pesos.
· Contará con los insumos necesarios para el desarrollo de sus actividades.
Interesados enviar su currículo vitae, correo, teléfono y una carta de intención dirigida a Horacio Cabrera Santiago, al correo electrónico .
La fecha límite para la recepción de las solicitudes será el día viernes 11 de Marzo de 2011.
Los candidatos seleccionados serán citados vía telefónica para entrevista, las cuales se realizarán personalmente en las oficinas de Eco-Alianza de Loreto A.C., cito en: Ave. Paseo Miguel Hidalgo #67 oriente, Colonia Centro, Loreto, Baja California Sur.
Horacio Cabrera
Director Ejecutivo
Eco-Alianza de Loreto, A.C.
Paseo Miguel Hidalgo #67 Oriente
Loreto, BCS México C.P. 23880
Tel. +52 (613) 135-1907
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