domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Ph.D. Linking traits, fitness and population dynamics

I am looking for a Ph.D. student to explore the links between genetically based traits, fitness and population dynamics. This research is part of a long-term program in collaboration with Prof. Marco Festa-Bianchet at the Universit de Sherbrooke. Since 1971, individually marked bighorn sheep have been monitored from birth to death at Ram Mountain. The student will collect behavioural observations during two or three seasons (May to September) and assist with capture, marking and measuring of the sheep, collecting samples for hormone and DNA analyses.

Assets for this position include a M.Sc. degree, publications, a knowledge of 'basic' French (or a strong willingness to learn it), fieldwork experience, strong quantitative skills.? Canadian candidates will be preferred, but strong foreign candidates will be seriously considered.

A tax-free scholarship is available, and financing for travel, fieldwork and lab expenses has been secured.? The program can begin in either January, May or September 2012.

For information on my research, see

Interested candidates should e-mail a CV, a statement of research interests and the e-mails of two referees before the 1st of October to Fanie Pelletier:

Fanie Pelletier, Ph.D.
Professeure Agrégée
Université de Sherbrooke
Département de biologie
Faculté des Sciences
Sherbrooke (Québec)

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