jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

2do. CONGRESO DE ECOLOGÍA, Hermosillo, Sonora

El Centro de Estudios Superiores del Estado de Sonora, por medio de la Licenciatura en Ecología, convoca a participar con ponencias orales o carteles en el:
“Que tus acciones hagan ECOlogía”
Que se llevará a cabo los días 9, 10 y 11 de Noviembre de 2011 en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora.


Temática 1: Ecología y ciencias sociales
Economía ecológica
Política ambiental
Educación ambiental
Psicología ambiental

Temática 2: Ecología y ciencias ambientales
Impacto ambiental
Desarrollo sostenible
Ingeniería ambiental

Temática 3: Ecología y recursos naturales
Áreas naturales protegidas
Ecología marina
Ecología de poblaciones
Ecología de comunidades
Genética y evolución

Para mayor información sobre el evento:
Tel. CESUES: (622) 215-37-78 ext. 105, a las oficinas de Ecología

Tenure-track Faculty Position at Langebio-CINVESTAV, Guanajuato

The National Laboratory of Genomics for Biodiversity of Mexico (Langebio) is a Unit of the "Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados" (CINVESTAV), a Federal Government Institution devoted to basic and applied research. Langebio's mandate is to conduct top-ranked research and graduate education, while promoting genomic knowledge for the protection and sustainable use of Mexican biodiversity (http://www.langebio.cinvestav.mx).

Research at Langebio is conducted by an international team of scientists, with an emphasis on collaboration and multidisciplinary studies. We are recruiting group leaders at all career stages, working in experimental and theoretical biology. Scientists at Langebio have access to state of the art computational and wet lab facilities, and are expected to build or bring a world-class research group. Applications from women are encouraged.

Applicants should send a CV, PDFs of their 3 most important publications, and a three page description of their scientific accomplishments and proposed research program. Junior applicants should arrange for three reference letters to be sent separately.

Review of applications will begin November 15th, 2011. Send applications to the attention of Dr. Luis Herrera-Estrella, Langebio-CINVESTAV, Irapuato, Guanajuato, MEXICO, E-mail: mbernal@langebio.cinvestav.mx

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

seis plazas de investigador en INECOL

El Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (INECOL), invita a los interesados a concursar por seis plazas de investigador en los campos de: ambiente y sustentabilidad; manejo bioracional de plagas y vectores; biodiversidad y sistemática; e interacciones multitróficas.

Pida informes a Secretaría Académica secretaria.academica@inecol.edu.mx

Vea los detalles en http://www.inecol.edu.mx/

curso en-línea "Elementos técnicos para la elaboración del Programa Estatal ante el Cambio Climático"

El Centro de Diálogo y Análisis sobre América del Norte (CEDAN) del Tecnológico de Monterrey y el Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE), los invitan a inscribirse al curso en-línea "Elementos técnicos para la elaboración del Programa Estatal ante el Cambio Climático", un curso de educación a distancia, con horarios flexibles y con una duración de 60 horas (tres meses), que iniciará el 30 de agosto del 2011.

Pida informes a Johanna Koolemans beynen@itesm.mx

Vea los detalles en http://cedan.org.mx/es/node/459

dos becas de licenciatura

El proyecto "Desarrollo de biotecnología para la captura y cultivo de postlarvas de peces arrecifales como una alternativa para programas de repoblamiento y aprovechamiento económico sustentable", apoyado por el Programa de Estímulos a la Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación del CONACYT en conjunto con Xcaret y PIECEMO, tiene dos becas de licenciatura de 10 meses cada una, con posibilidad de apoyos para hospedaje.
Pida informes a Nuno Simoes ns@ciencias.unam.mx

Graduate and Professional Courses

Graduate and Professional Course
Non-Invasive Genetic Techniques in Wildlife Conservation
May 19-25, 2012
Smithsonian-Mason Global Conservation Studies Program
At the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Front Royal, VA, USA
Visit http://conservationtraining.si.edu or contact SCBItraining@si.edu
for more information.

This course is an introduction for graduate students and professionals to the applications, benefits, and drawbacks of non-invasive genetic techniques to wildlife conservation. The course will concentrate on the use of non-invasive techniques to answer questions in animal behavior,
population biology, and population management, with a particular focus on the conservation of mammalian populations. Participants gain hands-on experience relating to all stages of a research project utilizing modern non-invasive methods by working with expert researchers through a combination of field, laboratory and computer-based modules.

Throughout the course participants work through directed research projects, progressing from study design through field data collection, sampling protocols, and DNA extraction and amplification, to analysis of microsatellite and sequence data using the most effective and accessible software packages. The course focuses on relatedness, population size estimation and population dynamics; additional lectures address genotype reliability, research applications for ancient DNA, and applications of next-generation pyrosequencing.

Many of these groundbreaking non-invasive genetic techniques were initially developed at the Smithsonian's National Zoo and its Center for Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics (CCEG). Course instructors include scientists from CCEG (Drs. Jesus Maldonado and Rob Fleischer) and George Mason University (Dr. Christine Bozarth) and several expert visiting instructors including Drs. Mike Schwartz, Elizabeth Archie, and Lori Eggert. While most instruction takes place in Front Royal, the course also includes laboratory work at the National Zoo's new state-of-the-art genetics lab in Washington, DC.

The course fee is $1,500, which includes instruction and course materials as well as all meals, lodging, and transport to/from Washington-Dulles International Airport (IAD). All other travel costs and incidental expenses are the participant's responsibility. Participants earn Continuing Education Units; graduate course credit (1) is available for qualified applicants through George Mason University (total fee: $1600 in-state (VA), $1850 out-of-state). Participants should have
previously completed a college-level genetics and basic ecology/evolution course. Applications due by March 5th, 2012.

Additional Upcoming Courses
For more information on each of these, see: http://conservationtraining.si.edu
* Conservation Conflict Resolution (January 16-20, 2012)
* Spatial Ecology, Geospatial Analysis, & Remote Sensing for Conservation (February 6-17, 2012)
* Statistics for Ecology and Conservation Biology (March 5-16, 2012)
* Species Monitoring & Conservation: Amphibians (March 26- April 6, 2012)
* Species Monitoring & Conservation: Terrestrial Mammals (April 16-27, 2012)
* Adaptive Management for Conservation Success (June 11-22, 2012)
* ffective Conservation Leadership (2012 dates to be determined)

For information on the Applied Conservation Science Graduate Certificate see:

For information on the Applied Conservation Science Professional Certificate see:

Joe Kolowski, Ph.D.| Graduate and Professional Training Manager
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Center for Conservation Education and Sustainability
National Zoological Park
Mail: P.O. Box 37012, MRC 0705, Washington, DC 20013-7012
Location: 1100 Jefferson Drive., SW, Washington, DC 20013
T 202-633-4787| F 202-786-2557 | Email kolowskij@si.edu

Ph.D. Linking traits, fitness and population dynamics

I am looking for a Ph.D. student to explore the links between genetically based traits, fitness and population dynamics. This research is part of a long-term program in collaboration with Prof. Marco Festa-Bianchet at the Universit de Sherbrooke. Since 1971, individually marked bighorn sheep have been monitored from birth to death at Ram Mountain. The student will collect behavioural observations during two or three seasons (May to September) and assist with capture, marking and measuring of the sheep, collecting samples for hormone and DNA analyses.

Assets for this position include a M.Sc. degree, publications, a knowledge of 'basic' French (or a strong willingness to learn it), fieldwork experience, strong quantitative skills.? Canadian candidates will be preferred, but strong foreign candidates will be seriously considered.

A tax-free scholarship is available, and financing for travel, fieldwork and lab expenses has been secured.? The program can begin in either January, May or September 2012.

For information on my research, see http://pages.usherbrooke.ca/fpelletier/

Interested candidates should e-mail a CV, a statement of research interests and the e-mails of two referees before the 1st of October to Fanie Pelletier: fanie.pelletier@usherbrooke.ca

Fanie Pelletier, Ph.D.
Professeure Agrégée
Université de Sherbrooke
Département de biologie
Faculté des Sciences
Sherbrooke (Québec)

PhD position in plant systematics and evolution in Mainz, Germany

A 3 year PhD position funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is available at the Institut für Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany. The main focus of the project will be to investigate the evolutionary history of Senecio
s.str. (Asteraceae) in Tropical Africa within the framework of a project on the influence of climate variation on a geological time scale on the African high mountain flora, carried out by Dr. Berit Gehrke. The thesis will be supervised by Dr. Gehrke and Prof. Kadereit.

You should have a master degree (or equivalent) in the field of biology and a strong interest in evolution and plant systematics. Enthusiasm for pursuing fieldwork in Africa is welcome. Good working knowledge of English, written and oral, is essential. Gaining experience in teaching
is possible.
Salary is according to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) guidelines. Funding, including for laboratory and field costs, is available for 3 years.

If you are interested, please send (preferentially by e-mail) a letter describing your motivation and research interests, C.V., publications if any, and contact details of two academic referees. Applications will be screened beginning 15 September until the position is filled. Starting date of the PhD.: in 2011 or later. If you have further question, do not hesitate to contact me.

Berit Gehrke
Institut für Spezielle Botanik und
Botanischer Garten
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Anselm-Franz-von-Bentzelweg 9a
55099 Mainz
Website: http://www.spezbot.fb10.uni-mainz.de/home_d/index.htm

Open PhD position in Evolutionary Biology of Alpine Plants

A PhD postion is available in the Group of Plant Population Ecology at the Botanical Institute, University of Basel in a research project with the title: "How local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity allow plants to survive in a changing Alpine landscape: Effects of fine-grained vs. coarse-grained environmental variability".
The project is a continuation of earlier research in my lab and includes reciprocal transplantation among field sites, controlled experiments in the greenhouse and molecular work. I will contribute to a still poorly understood question of evolutionary biology: To what extend is local adaptation of alpine plants shaped by phenotypic plasticity and to what extend is it a result of fixed genotypic differences?
The successful candidate should be motivated to work on alpine evolutionary ecology. Applicants with experiences in experimental population biology and a sound background in statistics will be preferred, and skills or interest in molecular work would be appreciated. Applicants should enjoy working in the field as well as in the lab. The position is funded for three years. Preferably, work starts this fall, or by arrangement. Starting salary will be CHF 40'200.- per year.

Applications including a statement of interest, CV, and the names and addresses of 2 academic references should be send to Prof. Dr. Jürg Stöcklin, Botanical Institute, Schönbeinstrasse 5, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland. (e-mail: juerg.stoecklin@unibas.ch) http://pages.unibas.ch/botschoen/stoecklin/index.shtml.

Prof. Dr. Jürg Stöcklin
Botanical Institute, Dep. of Ecology, University of Basel
Schönbeinstr. 6, CH-4056 BASEL

Ph.D. Graduate Studentship V Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA)

I am looking for a highly-motivated, bright and energetic student to join my laboratory in July 2012 as a Ph.D. graduate student. The first two years (i.e. 24 months) are funded off of a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA). When a student is accepted into the graduate program in Zoology, continued support in the form of either teaching assistantships or GRA's (depending on grant funding) is virtually assured to students in good standing. The successful candidate must apply and be accepted into the Graduate Program in the Dept of Zoology (i.e. either as Zoology or Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB)). Information on how to apply can be found here . Currently, graduate research or teaching assistants receive tuition waivers, and health care coverage.

My group and I study the mechanisms (e.g. selection, migration) that influence the maintenance of genetic diversity in asexual-sexual species complexes, using the freshwater cladoceran genus, Daphnia, as our primary model organism. My research bridges the fields of population genetics, environmental genomics, and evolutionary ecology. In my lab, a variety of molecular techniques (e.g. microsatellites, DNA sequencing, microarrays) are used to examine the population genetic structure of aquatic organisms, with most of my work focusing on zooplankton.

If you would like to get a better view of the facilities here at the U. of Oklahoma, please visit the OU Biological Station website. Additional info is available on my lab's website.

For further information, please contact:
Lawrence J. Weider, Director of Research
The University of Oklahoma Biological Station
ljweider@ou.edu; phone: 1-405-325-4766 or
325-7438; FAX: 1-405-325-0835

PhD position in Germany: Plant evolutionary genetics

I am looking for a PhD candidate interested in plant evolutionary genetics. In my lab, we are investigating the genetic basis for symbiont recognition and discrimination in Lotus species. A PhD position, funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG), is available immediately to work on this project. This project has both experimental and computational components and will involve functional studies on plants (inoculations with bacteria and trans-gene expression) and classical population genetics. Applicants should have a Master's degree or equivalent in biology or a related field. Previous laboratory experience and coursework in evolutionary biology and genetics are desirable.

My lab has recently moved to Düsseldorf at Heinrich Heine University (www.evol.bio.lmu.de/_rose/). Here you will have access to brand new state-of-the-art research facilities and the added benefit of joining the newly established plant biology graduate program (http://www.igrad-plant.uni-duesseldorf.de/Home). The working language of the research group is English.

The closing date for applications is October 2, 2011, or when the position is filled. Applicants should send a single PDF file containing a statement of interest and previous research experience, curriculum vitae, and contact information for at least two referees to: Dr. Laura Rose (Laura.Rose@hhu.de)

Prof. Dr. Laura Rose
email: Laura.Rose@hhu.de
web: www.evol.bio.lmu.de/_rose/
Institute of Population Genetics
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Curso de Educación Ambiental y Capacitación “Conocimientos y Estrategias para la Conservación de los Murciélagos”

Naturalia, A.C. invita al curso de Educación Ambiental y Capacitación “Conocimientos y Estrategias para la Conservación de los Murciélagos”
Impartido por: Laura Navarro Noriega, Coordinadora de Educación Ambiental del Programa para la Conservación de los Murciélagos de México (PCMM-BIOCONCIENCIA).

Lugar y Fecha: del 05 al 07 de septiembre en el Rancho “Los Fresnos”, municipio de Santa Cruz, Sonora.
Objetivo del Curso: capacitar a educadores, técnicos y estudiantes de las áreas biológicas en el tema de los murciélagos, de manera que puedan sumar esfuerzos para su conservación a través de las herramientas sociales.
Costo del curso: $ 1,500.00 (Mil quinientos pesos 00/100 M.N.) Con lo cual se incluye la alimentación, hospedaje y constancia; así como un paquete de materiales didácticos de murciélagos proporcionado por el PCMM.
Cupo Limitado : 12 asistentes
Para mayor información comunicarse con:
Biól. Grecia Casillas o Veronica Maldonado
Naturalia, A.C.
Tel: 662 2621170
Correos: g.g.llasca@hotmail.com, bracamonte84@hotmail.com

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

La Sociedad Mexicana de Ornitología, A.C., invita a los interesados a publicar resultados de sus investigaciones en el Número 2 de 2011 de su revista "El canto del
Centzontle". Todas las contribuciones deberán enviarse a más tardar el 12 de septiembre del 2011, vía email, a la editora de la revista.

Pida informes a Graciela Gómez ggal1@prodigy.net.mx

Te damos 1.4 millones de razones para mejorar el medio ambiente de América del Norte

¿Quieres arrancar una iniciativa ambiental innovadora o conoces a alguien que ya la tiene y que requiere apoyo financiero para seguir adelante? Entonces este mensaje es para ti.

Montreal, a 11 de agosto de 2011. El Consejo de la Comisión para la Cooperación Ambiental (CCA) ha establecido un nuevo programa de subvenciones y apoyo financiero con el nombre de “Alianza de América del Norte para la Acción Comunitaria Ambiental” (NAPECA, por sus siglas en inglés), cuyo propósito es apoyar a las comunidades en sus esfuerzos por atender localmente la problemática ambiental.

El programa NAPECA cuenta con 1.4 millones de dólares que apoyarán un conjunto diverso de proyectos de grupos y organizaciones con trabajo práctico en Canadá, Estados Unidos y México.

Los criterios de selección para el otorgamiento de subvenciones se han establecido a efecto de asegurar que los proyectos subvencionados logren objetivos medibles y produzcan resultados claros y tangibles. Estos criterios, junto con la información relativa al proceso de selección, se describen en la convocatoria para la presentación de propuestas que puede consultarse en línea.

No dejes pasar más tiempo y responde a esta convocatoria para que juntos logremos comunidades y ecosistemas más saludables; fomentemos actividades que se ocupen del cambio climático mediante la transición a economías bajas en carbono, e impulsemos proyectos novedosos que podrían contribuir a la sustentabilidad ambiental de la economía de los tres países de América del Norte.

El plazo para la presentación de propuestas preliminares vence a las 17:00 horas (tiempo del este) del próximo 22 de agosto de 2011. Los proyectos seleccionados y la primera ronda de subvenciones se anunciarán este mismo año.

Llena hoy mismo el formulario en línea y haznos saber tus propuestas. Más detalles sobre la presentación de proyectos, las fechas claves en este proceso y los criterios de selección están disponibles en el sitio web de la CCA.

La Comisión para la Cooperación Ambiental (CCA) fue creada por Canadá, Estados Unidos y México para instrumentar el Acuerdo de Cooperación Ambiental de América del Norte (ACAAN), convenio paralelo del TLCAN en materia de medio ambiente. La CCA apoya la cooperación entre los tres socios comerciales en la atención de los asuntos ambientales de preocupación común, con especial énfasis en los retos y oportunidades ambientales derivados del libre comercio de la región.

Comisión para la Cooperación Ambiental
393 rue St-Jacques Ouest, Bureau 200
Montreal, Quebec, Canadá, H2Y 1N9
Tel: (514) 350-4300; Fax: (514) 350-4314
Correo-e: info@cec.org

Call for 2012 Encyclopedia of Life Rubenstein Fellows

The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) is now accepting applications for its
2012 EOL Rubenstein Fellows competition.

This international program seeks to support and extend the impact of original biodiversity research by postgraduates, graduate students, and other scientists, and to tap into the knowledge and expertise of late career and retired scientists. EOL Rubenstein Fellows funds provide partial support for up to one year so that biodiversity research, databases, and media can be effectively translated into rich, online resources available through the Encyclopedia of Life.
Fellows are encouraged to engage in collaborative and synthetic work with a community of colleagues. EOL Rubenstein Fellows also help EOL develop effective strategies for engaging and supporting the scientific community.

Please note that in the 2012 program, research mentors are not required, and the program is not limited to early-career applicants.
For more information on the program, and to apply online, please visit
http://www.eol.org/content/page/fellows .

Applications must be submitted via the online submission form no later than 16 September 2011, please see call details and the online form for details.

Questions regarding the EOL Rubenstein Fellows competition should be directed to the EOL Fellows Coordinator at eol.fellows@gmail.com.

Solicitan docente-investigador en Agroecologia

La Universidad Intercultural Indígena de Michoacán los invita a participar en concurso de evaluación curricular de personal académico, para cubrir plaza de docente investigador tiempo completo con perfil de Agroecólogo, para trabajar en Municipio de Tingambato (Michoacán).
Los detalles del perfil, requisitos, salario, etc., los puede solicitar por e-mail.
Contratación a partir del 01 de septiembre del 2011.

Pida informes a Berenice Farfan farfan73@gmail.com

martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

Graduate position: Evolutionary ecology of blue tits

We are a seeking a motivated PhD student to join our research team involving researchers from the Department of Biology at the Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada and from the Centre d'écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive, Montpellier, France.

The proposed project will investigate natural selection acting on reproductive traits using long-term datasets with phenotypic and pedigree data collected in populations of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) in Corsica, France. The project will benefit from data gathered over 10 to 35 years in natural populations to establish the strength and variability of selection across contrasted environments and at different geographical scales. A quantitative genetic approach will allow to link these selection patterns with genetic co(variances) displayed by reproductive traits, providing insights into evolutionary potentials of these characters.

The selected candidate will share his time between the Université de Sherbrooke and Université de Montpellier II. The fieldwork in Corsica will take place every year from April to June. Ideally, the candidate will have previous research and fieldwork experiences; skills in handling birds would also be an advantage. A good background in evolutionary ecology and biostatistics is also desirable.

The position is funded for three years, starting as soon as January 2012. Please apply by sending your CV, including the email addresses of two referees, and a letter of motivation by 7 October 2011 to Dany.Garant@Usherbrooke.ca


División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud
Programa Institucional de Salud y Seguridad Ambiental
Por este medio los invitamos al curso: “MATERIALES Y RESIDUOS PELIGROSOS: CONTROL Y PREVENCIÓN DE RIESGOS A LA SALUD Y AL AMBIENTE”. Con un modulo especial referente a mercurio y sus residuos.
Impartido por la Dra. Clara Rosalía Álvarez Chávez
Los días 11, 12 y 15 de Agosto de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. en auditorio Rubén Garcilazo del Departamento de Ciencias Químico Biológicas.
Duración del curso: 20 horas