miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

8 PhD fellowships Evolutionary Biology in Jena, Germany, available

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) "The Exploration of Ecological Interactions with Molecular and Chemical Techniques" in Jena, Germany, is offering 8 PhD fellowships beginning in January 2012. 15 different projects are available including 4 projects with a strong evolutionary focus.
Students holding a Master's degree (or equivalent) in molecular biology, ecology, zoology, microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry and neuroethology, with a proven record of success in one of the disciplines and interest in examining ecological interactions, are eligible to conduct a doctoral project within the IMPRS.

Deadline for applications is June 26, 2011. For detailed information on the IMPRS, projects offered and the application procedure please check our website http://imprs.ice.mpg.de

Karin Groten kgroten@ice.mpg.de

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