viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Bird monitoring expedition to the San Bernardino Ranch, Sonora

2011 SJV/WFO Expedition: San Bernardino Ranch
The Sonoran Joint Venture (SJV) and the Western Field Ornithologists (WFO) are jointly coordinating a bird monitoring expedition to the San Bernardino Ranch, Sonora, Mexico, in mid-July. The objective of this expedition is to use the collective expertise of WFO members and SJV participants to collect and record natural history information and baseline monitoring data on birds of the restored riparian areas on the Ranch. These data will be used by the Ranch owners and others interested in riparian habitat restoration to manage habitat for birds of conservation interest.

San Bernardino Ranch is located in Sonora, Mexico south of and adjacent to San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge. The owners, Joe and Valer Austin, have been restoring riparian habitat for about 10 years along one stretch of the river and for less time along another stretch. There are also restored and unrestored areas of desert grassland and a cienega on the property. We will collect data on breeding birds and their habitat relationships, habitat characterization, and document these species by photograph.

Tentative expedition dates are 9-16 July or 16-23 July 2011. If you are interested in participating or would like more details, contact SJV Science Coordinator Carol Beardmore.

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