martes, 23 de junio de 2009

Oportunidad de trabajo en campo/field work opportunity

I am now in the process of preparing for some further fieldwork in the Rio Sonora Valley this coming fall and am contacting people to let them know that I am interested in hiring two field assistants: one female and one male. I am willing to cover all travel, lodging and food expenses as well as pay a salary (likely based on number of days in the field, interviews and surveys conducted).

Would you know of any potentially appropriate people or have suggestions of others that might have contacts? The field assistants need to speak good Spanish and English, be comfortable hiking in rugged conditions, working with people, and willing to work long days. I will be based out of Tucson and would prefer it if they were in the area area however I am also open to hiring assistants in Sonora or anywhere in between.

I have had extensive experiences using similar methods and working with student researchers in similar situations in both Guanajuato, MX and British Columbia, Canada.

Please feel free to send on my contact info to any potential field assistants or others that may know of people (recent graduates?) looking for part time work this fall. Thank you!

Kimberlee J Chambers, PhD
Geography, Specializing in Ethnoecology, and Agrobiodiversity

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